Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog post #3

in my book Grubbs parents are murderd. though what else iv read of the book hes trying to find out more about the demonds who killed his family. This remindas me of the tv show law and order. I make this comparison because in both the book and show someone is trying to solve a murder, and gather information to deal with the man/ demon who comitted the murder.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog post #2

From what ive read so far my favorite character is Grubbs. hes the main character of the book. after his family was killed by demons he went insane. now he is liveing with his uncle who knows a little bit of magic. he is going to teach grubbs and they will find and destroy the demons who killed his family

this picture represents the death of grubbs family, and it shows evil representing the demons who destroyed grubbs life.

Blog post #1

To be honest i chose this book because it had a cool lookin cover. also it was recomended to me by the lady who works in the library. she said it was a book with some action and adventuer, and thats the stuff i look for in a book. also its not to long so it will be okay for me to finish it on time. so far from what i read of this book im looking forward to finishing it.